Starting with CrossVCL version 1.28 and later, the program with a large number of dialog forms stopped working

Issue #237 resolved
Girin created an issue

I have one of the projects that includes 40 dialog forms. Starting with CrossVCL version 1.28 and later, the program stopped working. Compilation and assembly are error-free, but when the program is executed after creating about three-quarters of the forms, it fails with an error.

Changing the order of creating forms does not help, the error occurs when creating different forms in approximately the same place. Tested on Delphi 10.3.3 Rio and 10.4.2 Sydney, OS Ubuntu 16.04.6 and Astra Linux CE 2.1.

Comments (5)

  1. Girin reporter

    With 1.50 the error “Max number of object instance” occurs much later, at the end of creating dialog forms.

  2. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    Ok, good that you mentioned what exactly error fails. We will increase number of object instance in next update.

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