TVirtualStringTree columns cursor

Issue #296 new
Alex Egorov created an issue

Hello, I have a problem with TVirtualStringTree in Details mode

When Details view is enabled (tvRecords.Header.Options := tvRecords.Header.Options + [hoVisible])

mouse cursor does not changed when the mouse under columns header separator

(наводим курсор на разделитель столбцов и курсор не меняется)

the same behavior in Windows and Linux 18/20

Comments (1)

  1. Alex Egorov reporter

    Is it my fix to get correct cursor under header column separators:

    file VirtualTrees.pas:

    lines 177-181 (changed cursor values to crHSplit and crVSplit):

    // Header standard split cursor.
    crHeaderSplit = crHSplit;// TCursor(63);

    // Height changing cursor.
    crVertSplit = crVSplit;//TCursor(62);

    lines 4397-4398 (commended loading cursors from resources):

    // Screen.Cursors[crHeaderSplit] := LoadCursor(HInstance, ‘VT_HEADERSPLIT');
    // Screen.Cursors[crVertSplit] := LoadCursor(HInstance, 'VT_VERTSPLIT');

    This fix works for me. On the image top cursor is default VirtualTreeView cursor, which is not loaded (don’t know why),
    on the bottom image cursor after my fix

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