TurboCocoa and CrossVcl?

Issue #59 resolved
Friedrich Westermann created an issue

can these both mixed up?

My Idea is to have both worlds together so it can be used to Migrate projects step by Step?

Comments (6)

  1. Ronald Klitsche

    But the idea of Friedrich is very good. From a VCL program we dont have any access to MacOS API, right?

  2. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    Why not ? You can use all of them, look at CustomView example

    There is also example unit for WebView in crossvcl\source\Vcl.WebView.pas

    Next version we extend this API a little bit.

  3. Ronald Klitsche

    Why not ? You can use all of them, look at CustomView example

    The distrubution of this example is broken.

    There is also example unit for WebView in crossvcl\source\Vcl.WebView.pas

    I get an AV with this code:

    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
      AWebView : TWebView;
      AWebView := TWebView.Create (Self);
      TWinControl (AWebView).Parent := Self;
      AWebView.Align := alClient;
      AWebView.Navigate('http://www.heise.de'); <--- AV here
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