TImage.Bitmap.SaveToFile() function does not work

Issue #107 resolved
Zoltan Karpati created an issue

TImage.Bitmap.SaveToFile() function does not work.

It says "Saving bitmap failed."

Comments (10)

  1. Zoltan Karpati reporter

    I changed the Form_Main.Image.Bitmap.SaveToFile('test.bmp'); to Form_Main.Image.Bitmap.SaveToFile('test.jpg'); and it worked fine.

  2. Zoltan Karpati reporter

    Form_Main.Image.Bitmap.LoadFromFile('test.bmp'); works fine on Linux64 also.

    Please consider to repair the Image.Bitmap.SaveToFile to support .bmp file.

  3. Zoltan Karpati reporter
    • changed status to open

    I did try the v1.01 and I have got the same error message ("Saving bitmap failed."), but it created a 0 byte filesize .bmp file.

  4. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    That's really weird, we've checked your example and it works just fine. It is weird also because you still got an error message.

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