
Issue #132 resolved
Brian Hamilton created an issue

Hi not sure if this has been covered but I am wanting to use this component with FMXlinux :) I get an error [DCC Error] FMX.TMSBaseControl.pas(94): E2147 Property 'StrokeThickness' does not exist in base class with FMX.TMSBaseControl.pas

also when using a normal list view, and I try to add e.g


I get error not found (Tlistitem) is there some source unit missing I need/can add? thanks! Brian

Comments (5)

  1. Brian Hamilton reporter

    the default FMX listview does not support subitems. add that is why the TMS one was good, as it behaves like the VCL version ;)

  2. Brian Hamilton reporter

    actually I think I might use tstringgrid (which works with fmxlinux as I need columns :)

  3. Brian Hamilton reporter

    tstringgrid is the looks very much like the tmsfmslistview to be honest

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