Issue #158 resolved
Md. Shariful Alam Khan created an issue

What is the step by step procedure to set MAINICON? I tried several ways to do this but only step is to create application that can have MAINICON is to save project as default project name that is 'Project' with increament number. Can you please guide how to solve it?

If I rename the project as any valid name MAINICON doesn't show.

Comments (5)

  1. Dave Peters

    The following seems to work for me:

    1) In the project manager window, right click on the name of your project and choose "Add" from the menu. 2) Select the png file you want to use for the icon 3) In project manager, click on the file you just added to select it 4) In object inspector you will see the properties for the resource. 5) Change Resource Identifier to MAINICON Run the project

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