Combobox problem

Issue #172 resolved
Zoltan Karpati created an issue

I did find an issue with the combobox:

Click on the combobox (just use the Controls demo).

Case 1: you will see the dropdown list (for example on Ubuntu), but if you don’t select an item from the dropdown list, you can move the mainform behind the dropdown list.

Case 2: you won’t see the dropdown list (for example on Fedora 28), but if you don’t select an item from the dropdown list, you can move the mainform behind the dropdown list (and you will see the dropdown list on the background).

Comments (14)

  1. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    It is mostly activation/deactivation issue - popup form doesn't have such events and it is not so easy to fix that on Linux.

  2. Zoltan Karpati reporter

    Is it works on your system as I reported it?

    I wrote about the ComboBox component, I don't understand the popup form problem.

  3. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    The point that we can't close combobox dropdown list if you try to move main form, because of activation/deactivation problem.

  4. Zoltan Karpati reporter

    The case 1 is not too interest situation, because the user usually don't move the main window behind the combobox.

    The case 2 is critical situation (for example on Fedora 28), because if the user will not see the combobox's dropdown list, the user can't select an item from it.

  5. Zoltan Karpati reporter

    I have tested (the case 2) on Fedora 28 with v1.33a and it shows the second form's (Option Form) combobox dropdown list behind the Option Form.

  6. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    Can you tell me more about your system config on Fedora 28 ? I have bare-metal (Surface Pro) and also VM with Fedora 28. Everything works just fine.

  7. Zoltan Karpati reporter

    I am using the Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-28-1.1.iso under VM 14 Player in live mode (for testing only.)

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