How can view PDF file on Fmxlinux

Issue #186 new
Pie O My created an issue


How can view PDF file on Fmxlinux is there any example or component? Tryed Webbrowser but didnt show pdf (Webbrowser working)


Comments (5)

  1. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    Yeah, seems there is no way to use WebBrowser for PDF. Which components do you use on other platform ?

  2. Dave Peters

    On OS X I use the following but does not seem to work with Linux although it compiles. afilename is the string containing path and file, anansichar is declared as type pansichar

    anansichar:=PAnsiChar(UTF8String('open "' + ReplaceStr(ReplaceStr(afilename, '\', '\'), '"', '\"') + '"')); _system(anansichar);

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