In Event "WebBrowser1DidStartLoad" the "WebBrowser.url" is always empty

Issue #189 resolved
Harry Stahl created an issue

When a user click in a loaded html-file a link, then on windows and mac I can read the WebBrowser.url variable, so that I can make adjustments for the url, if neccessary.

But on Linux with FMXLinux the WebBrowser.url is always emtpy at this stage.

Could you fix this, please or do you have a workaroaund for the moment?

Comments (7)

  1. Harry Stahl reporter

    Unfortunatelly not. See attached demo. On windows a click on an url shows "about:KlickedURL", on Linux it shows always "about:blank".

  2. Harry Stahl reporter

    Info: In the demo I take the showmessage bxy mistake in the DidFinshedLoad-Event, but in the DidStartLoaded-Event the url is also empty.

  3. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    Ok, i've tested. But, It works fine if you post real URL and it shows it. But in your case, IE just post just incorrect link based on current page - like about:something. That's mostly works the same as macOS version. And it is impossible to fix.

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