Tedit loses text after selection and uses of tab

Issue #265 resolved
Harry Stahl created an issue

Run the attached app and press “button 1”. A new dialog will be displayed. Type 4 to 5 times the tab-key. The first 3 time the text will be only selected, as expected, but after it tab-key 4-6 all the text in the Tedit-fields will be deleted.

We have seen an other strange effect here: Editing a Set of data once in an extra dialog, the by default selected textfield is only selecting the text.

But calling the dialog again, the text in the text field will be deleted directly.

That was not before 1.61 or so. We assume that it could be in connection with the fix of issue #262?

It is a very serious bug, because one can loose data, without realizing it!

Comments (12)

  1. Harry Stahl reporter

    Just as info: going back to 1.59 did not solve the problem (I just installed the 1.59 over the current installation - no dialog informs about patching or so).

  2. Harry Stahl reporter

    See also the attached video that describes the effect where we have found the issues with selected text in Tedit

  3. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    What Linux do you use to test ? I’ve tested on Ubuntu 18.04 & 20.04 and can’t replicate this.

  4. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    Thx, i can reproduce it now using your binary. Looks like something missing in release version.

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