Minimize TForm

Issue #267 resolved
obi created an issue

I have a simple TForm with one Button:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
F: TForm1;
F := TForm1.Create(nil);
F.Visible := true;
F.Caption := ' Form ' + Caption;

MainForm is Form1:

If i click twice on Form1 i get: Form1Child1 and Form1Child2

a) Minimze Form1 → Form1Child1 and Form1Child2 will minimize too, OK
b) Minimize Form1Child1, OK
c) Minimize Form1Child2, OK

Now i click on Button1 on Form1Child1 and get Form1Child1Child1

When i minimize Form1Child1 → Form1Child1Child1 will minimize too, thats wrong!

Any hints?


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