How to get native window handle in linux?

Issue #269 new
Вячеслав Павлов created an issue

For Windows I can it do by:


But I need it and for Linux too.


Comments (2)

  1. Alex Egorov

    You can see NativeHandles example for work with gtk functions, but currently I don’t know how to work with xlib and get XID window handle

  2. Vadzim Parkhamchuk

    +1. I tried gdk_x11_window_get_xid with libgdk-3 and gtk_x11_drawable_get_xid from gtk2. The first one does not allow to run the project at all (I don’t remember exactly but it seems the failure was on the early initialization stage of the process), with the second one, the execution goes a bit further but still raises an exception and AV within FMXLinux initialization code. Is there a reliable way to obtain X11 handle?

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