GTK Broadwayd - Keyboard input dont work

Issue #270 new
miki tiki created an issue

Simple app one edit box, one button . Tested using gtk broadwayd as HTML 5 backend. Edit box dont receive any keyboard input.Only delete key work. Same issue with another input controls.

Tried something like

procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; var KeyChar: Char;
Shift: TShiftState);
showmessage (inttostr(ord(KeyChar);

Message box appear on any key press, but key code isn’t shown.

FMX version 1.68

Rad Studio version 10.2 update 3.

Tested on ubuntu 16.04.7, Ubuntu 20.04.3,linuxmint 20.3 ,same problem . Web browser Firefox,Chrome same issue.

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