FMXLinux + Windows Subsystem 4 Linux + GWSL

Issue #279 new
Chris W created an issue


I’m trying to une FMXlinux 1.69 with Delphi 11.1 and make it run on a WSL ubuntu 20.04 machine from windows store

and and XServer GWSL also from windows store.

In fact ./paserver is running and it works well, except … when I right click on a memo or Tedit

then I get a “range check error”

is the error is related to Delphi / Fmxlinux / ubuntu/ or GWSL XServer ?

Not sure but “Range check error” message looks very familiar to me as a delphi coder.

But also, if I compile in release mode with range checking OFF the nature of the error changes and I get a

“Cannot create render buffers for ‘TContextOpenGL’

Did I run in a limitation of the GWSL experimental XServer ? What’s your guess ?

Have a nice day

Thank you

PS: WSL is cool … a linux machine up and running takes only two clicks

Comments (3)

  1. Chris W reporter

    Right clic sould display a default popupmenu.

    Debugger shows it enters procedure TContextOpenGL.DoInitializeTexture(const Texture: TTexture);

    and the crash occurs on line glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex);

    I’m stuck there 😉

  2. Chris W reporter

    Slow progress

    If I change inside TContextOpenGL.DoInitializeTexture

    var Tex: THandle; to var Tex: GLuint;

    And in TContextOpenGL.DoCreateBuffer

    var LTexture: Integer; to LTexture: GLuint;

    I can get rid of the range error

    But the final Error “Cannot create render buffers for TContextOpenGL” remains in TContextOpenGL.DoCreateBuffer

    where Status <> GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT (status value is 0) in the second ELSE part without Multisample

    And I guess this is where my pascal capabilities end and I start needing an opengl expert please 😉

  3. Chris W reporter

    Hmm I wonder … glxinfo | grep "OpenGL version"
    OpenGL version string: 1.4 (4.6.0 NVIDIA 388.13)

    Is this correct ?

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