Can't move smooth

Issue #37 resolved
OneChen created an issue

Use StartWindowDrag to drag windows, Can't move smooth. Please see attach mp4 and demo

Comments (13)

  1. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    I've played with your examples a lot on different Linux - in latest version it works ok.

  2. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    Hm... I've noticed that behaviour only when i try to record the video. In other cases it works good.

  3. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    It seems this mostly Parallels issue (did you check on other VM or real machine ?). But we tried to fix this in 0.99b.

  4. OneChen reporter
    • changed status to open

    But there is another problem: Transparent area should not be dragged. Please see attach mp4

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