Viewport3D.Multisample problem

Issue #39 resolved
Zoltan Karpati created an issue

If the Viewport3D.Multisample.None it works fine.

If the Viewport3D.Multisample.TwoSamples or FourSamples it draws nothing.

I used the v0.92.

Comments (23)

  1. Zoltan Karpati reporter

    My system is:

    CPU: Core2 Duo E6550 2.33 GHz Memory: 8 GB Videocard: NVIDIA GForce 610 (2GB RAM) OS: Win7/64 bit

    VirtualBox: Ubuntu 16.10

  2. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    It looks like the issue on VirtualBox, please try on real machine or better VM. We've checked on few real machine with Intel & Nvidia GPU. Everything works good.

  3. Zoltan Karpati reporter
    • changed status to open

    I installed the VMWARE and the Ubuntu 16.10 / 17.04 and the attached sample program works fine if I use the multisample.none parameter. If I use the multisample.twosamples or multisample.foursamples it shows nothing.

  4. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    Can you give us return of glxinfo. Just type in terminal - "glxinfo" and post result here.

  5. Zoltan Karpati reporter

    When I returned to my home from my work I will post the result, but I think we are living under very different time zones.

  6. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    And what about other OpenGl app, did you check how it works ? It looks like this is still VM issue and we can't provide support of it. We tested on real machine. Can you setup Linux on real machine and check it ?

  7. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    You should understand, we check 'gl_ext_framebuffer_multisample' extension and if it exists it should works. But there may be VM issue not our.

  8. Zoltan Karpati reporter

    Just answered to your question, I am using OpenGL apps under Windows and those programs work fine.

  9. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    Finally, i setup VM in Windows using VMWare and reproduce this issue. I will come back with result later.

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