ItemByPoint (TListox) crash the app

Issue #50 resolved
Harry Stahl created an issue

Sorry, I have correct me:

The reason of chrashing was, that the Listbox has "ShowHint" active with hinttext. Everytime the mouse enters the ListBox we have the Crash.

procedure TF_Main.lbLastFilesMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single); var obj: TControl; begin obj := lbLastFiles.ItemByPoint (x,y);

if (obj <> NIL) and (obj is TListboxItem) then begin if lbLastFiles.Hint <> (obj as TListboxItem).Hint then begin lbLastFiles.Hint := (obj as TListboxItem).Hint; lbLastFiles.ShowHint := false; lbLastFiles.ShowHint := True; end; end;


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