Printer.printers[x].device returns not printername

Issue #88 resolved
Harry Stahl created an issue

In the following sequence the number of Printer.count is OK, but Printer.Printers[L].Device Returns only an empty string:

for L := 0 to Printer.Count -1 do begin cbPrinter.Items.Add (Printer.Printers[L].Device); end;

Comments (7)

  1. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    It looks like there are some unmodified files. We've just started new clean build. Try to uninstall and install FmxLinux. Also please click on 'Update Linux Platform' on you project context menu, because we've change units locations in order to have release and debug versions.

  2. Harry Stahl reporter

    Youre right, after uninstalling, new installing complete build, it works as exprected. Have a nice status-info of ongoing printtask in the printdialog.

    Info: Print to file has no effect.

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