Load and display of PDF-Files in TWebrowser not works (unshure if that is a bug)

Issue #97 resolved
Harry Stahl created an issue

When I first try to load a pdf.file into the TWebBrowser (via WebBrowser1.URL := 'file://' + od1.FileName) I got the attached error-message.

After installing the libwebkitgtk, the use of TWebBrowser works without Errormessage, but did not Show the pdf (while html-files are displayed).

On Windows and MAC the webBrowser used the "system-browser" to show the contents.

Can we test, if the prerequisites for use of the TWebbrowser on the system are given, so that we can give the user an info in advance, instead of having this error-displayed?

Comments (3)

  1. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    Added new API (FMUX.Api.pas) - FmuxIsWebViewInstalled to check browser's lib. As for PDF loading, it doesn't work and no error message appears.

  2. Zoltan Karpati

    From the 0.99m I got the above error message also, but I don't use the TWebBrowser in my program.

  3. Harry Stahl reporter

    Perhaps I was a Little bit misunderstood. I don't mean that the program shows direct after start this info, that something is missing. I mean to give us (developer) the possibility to check this prerequisite (so we can give this info, when it comes to the use of Twebbroser).

    It's not very nice, when a user see this message when he starts the programm the first time (and it's shown ervry time he starts the program, until he load the webkit).

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