RockScrobbler 0.13 crashes on login

Issue #7 resolved
L. G. created an issue

Version 0.13 crashes as soon as I hit the login button for no reason. Version 0.12 works fine.

No devices connected, no logs whatsoever.

(It's difficult to describe this issue since the application just disappears with no warning.)

Win7 x64, VC Redist 2013 installed, obviously.

Comments (16)

  1. Alan Davies repo owner

    The login is working fine for me. I think this may have something to do with OpenSSL. The new version of RockScrobbler uses the new login method for which requires logging in over HTTPS. As such, copies of the OpenSSL DLLs are now bundled with Rock Scrobbler.

    I am wondering if your system is picking up the DLLs from some other directory (e.g. the Windows\system32 dir)

    Can you install Process Explorer from here

    Make sure Rock Scrobbler is running, then load Process Explorer. In Process Explorer, make sure the lower pane is displayed and showing DLLs (View -> Lower Pane View -> DLLs).

    Right click on the column headers in the lower pane and click "Select Columns"

    Enable the "Path" column and click OK.

    Click on RockScrobbler.exe in the upper pane.

    In the lower pane, make sure that the path for all these DLLs are in the directory in which you installed Rock Scrobbler...

    libeay32.dll ssleay32.dll

    Qt5Core.dll Qt5Gui.dll Qt5Network.dll Qt5Widgets.dll Qt5Xml.dll

    qgif.dll qico.dll qjpeg.dll qmng.dll qsvg.dll qtga.dll qtiff.dll qwbmp.dll qwindows.dll

    The first two are the OpenSSL libraries. The others are the QT libraries

    Can you let me know if any of these are showing an incorrect Path?


  2. Alan Davies repo owner

    Also, can you check if the environment variable OPENSSL_CONF exists on your system, and if so where is it pointing to?

    To do that, open a command prompt and type "set".

  3. L. G. reporter

    The DLL view doesn't show any of the OpenSSL related DLLs when RockScrobbler is running. I can't tell if they show up as I hit login since the program just crashes when I do and Process Explorer clears out the lower pane very quickly.

    I didn't have OpenSSL installed and (I had to try) installing them didn't help.

    That environment variable didn't exist prior to me installing OpenSSL binaries, now it points to a .cfg file inside the OpenSSL installation folder on my system drive.

  4. Alan Davies repo owner

    The fact that libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll are not showing up in ProcExp is very strange. It should throw up an error on startup if those DLLs are missing. Can you double check that the lower pane in Process Explorer is showing DLLs, not handles. Pressing Ctrl+D should do it. Sorting the lower pane by "Company Name" should help to spot the Open SSL DLLs if they are there.

    Can you also check that those 2 DLLs exist in your Rock Scrobbler installation folder.

    Lastly, can you try uninstalling and re-installing rock scrobbler from scratch (your settings will be preserved between installs)?

    Thanks Alan.

  5. L. G. reporter

    Ah, yes, they do appear for a split second prior to the program crashing. Sorting them by company name let me see them pop up before disappearing.

    And yes, both DLLs exist in the installation folder.

    I already uninstalled & reinstalled it a couple of times but to no avail. It just crashes. I also uninstalled OpenSSL and tried again, didn't help, either.

    Additionally I also tried disabling my Internet security solution. That's not it, either.

  6. L. G. reporter

    (I'll respond to your comment even though it doesn't show up on bitbucket)

    Yes, that is exactly what happens. They aren't loaded but they appear when I click Login.

    The QT dlls are all loaded from the program directory.

  7. Alan Davies repo owner

    I deleted my comment because as soon as I posted it I realized it was wrong. The SSL DLLs are not loaded until they are needed, i.e. when you click Login and it tries to open an HTTPS connection.

    I'm still not 100% sure if this is an SSL issue. If you can create a crash dump then that will greatly help me track down this issue.

  8. L. G. reporter

    Okay, I finally got around to trying this but RockScrobbler doesn't create a minidump file anywhere. (Certainly not in the folder I've specified.)

    So it seems to be a clean exit, I guess. There's not that little "Program has stopped working" window popping up, either.

  9. Alan Davies repo owner

    OK thanks for giving it a go. At the moment I am completely stumped by this as I am unable to reproduce it (I have tried on 4 or 5 different machines).

    I am planning to release a new version soon, which will use a new version of QT. Hopefully that might fix the issue.

  10. L. G. reporter

    Sorry, I completely forgot about this.

    I just installed 0.14 and tried it out. Works again like it should. :) I'm able to login and scrobble.

  11. Alan Davies repo owner

    Thanks for confirming that it is now fixed. It must have been something to do with my own compiled version of QT. QT now provide pre-compiled libraries for Visual Studio 2013, so I am using those now.

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