"Invalid parameters" after trying to submit scrobbles to post-update Last.FM

Issue #11 resolved
KingBread created an issue

When I try to submit my log, I get the error message, "Invalid parameters - Your request is missing a required parameter". This only started after Last.FM pushed their beta update recently. I'm using RockScrobbler 0.14.

Comments (9)

  1. Alan Davies repo owner

    I just tried scrobbling something and had no issues.

    There are reports on Last.fm API forum of various issues over the last few days due to the beta update. None of them relate to scrobbling, but I wonder of they are related?

    Can you try again please? If you're still getting the same error can you please send me your .scrobbler.log. Also, can you turn on debug logging in the Rock Scrobbler settings and send me the output of the log window please.

  2. Alan Davies repo owner

    This seems to be related to the number of tracks you are trying to scrobble at once, or more specifically the number of bytes.

    The Last.fm documentation says that you should be able to scrobble up to 50 tracks at once, so Rock Scrobbler splits the scrobble requests up into chunks of 50 tracks.

    Using the .scrobbler.log you sent me, I can scrobble the first 14 tracks. Adding the 15th track causes it to fail. Using tracks with shorter names, I can scrobble 15 tracks, but adding the 16th fails.

    This is a problem with Last.fm. I will raise an issue on their forum.

  3. Alan Davies repo owner

    It looks like Last.fm have now fixed this issue. However, I will be releasing a new version soon that lets you configure the number of tracks submitted in each scrobble request (via a hidden setting). If this problem re-emerges, then you may be able to work around it by setting the value to 10 (the default is 50).

  4. KingBread reporter

    Awesome, I'm glad it got fixed, at least for now. Thanks for your help, looking forward to the new version.

  5. Alan Davies repo owner

    0.15 is out. The default of 50 tracks per scrobble should be working now. However, if you are still having problems, then do the following...

    1. Upgrade to 0.15
    2. Start Rock Scrobbler once, then exit
    3. Open %APPDATA%/ToastWare/RockScrobbler.ini in a text editor (e.g. notepad)
    4. Change tracksPerScrobble to a lower number, e.g. 10
    5. Re-start Rock Scrobbler

    Version 0.15 also fixes an issue when display artist and track names in the log, which contain extended UTF-8 characters.

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