Rock Scrobbler ignores drive that takes long to initialize

Issue #4 resolved
Former user created an issue

After connecting my Sansa Clip+ I get message in logs that say: 2013-05-23 10:42:43 Drive H: inserted 2013-05-23 10:42:43 No scrobbler log found on H:

even though scrobbler log is available and I can scrobble manually. I think the problem is that data on partitions is becoming available only after some time (5-10 sec.) even though drive letter is assigned by windows immediately. Would it be possible to add option for delaying scan for scrobbler log?

Comments (3)

  1. Alan Davies repo owner

    I have also seen this issue. I believe it is due to the buggy USB implementation in the rockbox firmware for the Clip+.

    Can you try holding down the Home button when you connect your Clip+ to the USB? That will boot the device into the default Sansa firmware. This seems to fix the problem for me.

    An option to delay the reading of the log file is a good idea though.

  2. Alan Davies repo owner

    v0.11 now has an option to wait for a few seconds after the drive is inserted, before submitting the scrobble.

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