student left a group, joined a new group, and accidently submitted the submission in the new group

Issue #119 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi! In the mathmatical modelling course, module 5, group 38 consisted of 2 people, Harald and Vidar. Harald wants to leave the group because Vidar is inactive and starts group 72. He submits module 5 into the system, but for some reason it ends up in group 38, not 72. He is not able to submit as group 72 despite us adding deadline and group size exceptions. What should we do?

Birgit Grohe grohe(at)

Comments (4)

  1. Gregoire Detrez

    Hi Birgit,

    There are some problems currently with student switching groups. I believe I managed to fix the particular problem of Harald in module 5 by moving his submissions to group 72 (if not, do tell me).

    I see that modules 3 and 4 were rejected so the problem might be the same there if Harald want's to resubmit. If so, I can fix it the same way but it means removing Vidar from those submissions...

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