Locate pending assignment quickly

Issue #126 new
Víctor López Juan created an issue

When students resubmit, it can be hard to locate where the pending assignments are. Clicking on the inbox icon takes us to the overview screen, which shows pending assignments for all graders.

One possible solution is to have a true "overview" screen that shows a list of pending assignments for the current grader across all weeks.

Comments (1)

  1. Evgeny Kotelnikov

    Clicking on the inbox icon takes us to the overview screen, which shows pending assignments for all graders.

    And also your pending assignments, for each week it's the black number next to the black "Inbox" icon.

    But yes, the idea for the "Inbox" icon on the top was that clicking on it would show a drop-down list of pending submission. That should be done at some point.

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