CID authorisation

Issue #22 new
Evgeny Kotelnikov created an issue

It would probably make sence not to be forced for register for each cource separately but rather use Chalmers ID instead. As far as I see it, it's Active Directory authorisation and it should be possible to use it's API. Should we move to CID at some point?

Comments (3)

  1. Gregoire Detrez

    We discussed that with Guilhem a few days ago but it turns out it the idea is not as good as we thought. The main problem is that we can't create CIDs, so if a student doesn't have one for any reason she'll be locked out of the system until the central administration creates it, if they do it al all. (And I'm not sure all GU students get a CID.)

    One thing we could do is allow the student to re-use their credential between fire instances, but that means moving away from sqlite...

  2. Evgeny Kotelnikov reporter

    They already need CID to log in to machines in computer class, don't they? Also for eduroam.

  3. Gregoire Detrez

    Some courses may not require to use the computer labs and you can use a GU account to connect to eduroam (actually, you can use an account from any university, that's the idea of eduroam ;-))

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