extend deadline of a non-submitter

Issue #24 resolved
Luciano Bello created an issue

Sometimes it is needed to extend a (first) deadline to a group who didn't submit anything yet. But it is not possible to get the link to do that, even when the place to do it exist, like: http://xdat09.ce.chalmers.se/lbs/admin/labs/2/submissions/group8 Please, include this link somewhere in the "Course roster" list.

Comments (5)

  1. Evgeny Kotelnikov

    It depends on how to define non-submitter. If they happened to go on submission page at some point and created an "unsubmitted" submission, there is a way of extending the deadline — go to the group's student's profile, then to the unsubmitted submission. If there is no submission at all, then the current workaround is the following — log in as a student, go to the submission page. It will create the "unsubmitted" submission even if the deadline has passed. Log in back as a teacher, extend the deadline.

    In both cases we need a better interface indeed.

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