accept after reject

Issue #29 closed
Luciano Bello created an issue

I accidently rejected a submission and I can not rejected. When I try, I'm getting a: An error occurred.

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Comments (6)

  1. Evgeny Kotelnikov

    Saw that one, here's what's in the log:

    May 06 13:15:20 xdat09 uwsgi[1020]: submission.post_review(accept, grade, note, review)
    May 06 13:15:20 xdat09 uwsgi[1020]: File "/home/fire_lbs/.fire-virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fire/", line 741, in post_review
    May 06 13:15:20 xdat09 uwsgi[1020]: self.status = Submission.Statuses.accepted if accepted else Submission.Statuses.rejected
    May 06 13:15:20 xdat09 uwsgi[1020]: File "/home/fire_lbs/.fire-virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fire/", line 717, in status
    May 06 13:15:20 xdat09 uwsgi[1020]: % ','.join(map(str, overlap)))
    May 06 13:15:20 xdat09 uwsgi[1020]: fire.errors.DataInvariantException: The following users already have submissions to this lab:
  2. Evgeny Kotelnikov

    This is interesting. Failing asserion.

    We check if the student submitted to the same lab as part of another group, which is kinda reasonable, although proper data model would've prevented this. In the present case (the one with the log that I posted), there's "NOT SUBMITTED" submission to the same assignment from the same group. That is, they started submitting but never finished. Should we keep track of these unfinished submissions at all? Anyway, that's why you cannot accept, it counts as "other activite submission on this lab".

  3. Evgeny Kotelnikov

    We no longer have "unsubmitted submissions" and graders can leave multiple reviews, the latest one determines the final decision.

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