Improve the hosting infrastructure

Issue #30 open
Patrik Jansson created an issue

Pablo Buiras presented some problems at the Software Technology division meeting:

The first of these (improving the hosting infrastructure) does not seem to exist as an "issue" yet in this tracker so I am now adding one.

Comments (7)

  1. Patrik Jansson reporter

    Some input from Arne Linde: Vi behöver veta vad som krävs. Sedan kan jag ordna så att en server blir inköpt.

    En server kostar 5-10kkr

    Vilket är billigare än en virtuell server via ITS. Det är på en sådan som Fire1 går.


  2. Patrik Jansson reporter

    And more recently Arne wrote: "Risken är att den (server för Fire-2) medför höga kostnader för drift och underhåll."

    We need a concrete suggestion for what is needed so that we can get a concrete quote (price) and then make a decision.

  3. JonasDuregard

    Is hosting the system on the same machine as Fire-1 an option? After Fire-2 is in place I assume Fire-1 will be discontinued fairly quickly.

  4. Gregoire Detrez

    I have some news about this.

    I talked with Rune and it turned out that the department had a spare servers that they bought as par of a set for a cheap price at some point. He agreed to let us use this server with the condition that we should take care of the maintenance.

    I set-up the server and we will be test-driving it in the database course during lp3. If everything goes well, we should be able to use it for all the courses in lp4.

    This should improve the situation a bit as the server is in a proper bay, not under a desk ;-)

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