Student mysteriously unable to submit post-reject

Issue #86 resolved
Anton Ekblad created an issue

In the current iteration of the concurrent programming course (Fire instance, a student ( is mysteriously unable to make resubmissions after receiving a reject on their first submission.

I logged in to investigate the issue, and it seems that the student in question is indeed unable to resubmit (see attached screenshot), while his lab partner is able to resubmit. I have no idea what may be the issue here, but maybe some light may be shed by poking around in the database?

Comments (2)

  1. Evgeny Kotelnikov

    Yes, looks like some corner case in our model is not treated correctly. Note that the submission is marked as №2 whereas it clearly should be №1. I fixed the problem in the database, both students should be able to submit now.

    I will investigate what exactly has happened to cause this discrepancy, thanks for the report.

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