Show feedback in monospaced font

Issue #88 resolved
Víctor López Juan created an issue

Sometimes I find it useful to include diagrams, matrices and code in feedback to students. However, they become hard to read (or incorrect) when displayed in the standard, variable-width sans font.

CSE students should already used to reading man-pages, RFC's and the like, all of which use monospaced fonts; so the impact on readability should be minimal.

The change should be quite easy to implement (just adding a "font-family: monospace" directive in some CSS file). I am willing to prepare and submit a patch.

Comments (5)

  1. Evgeny Kotelnikov

    In general, I support this suggestion. Actually I think it would be nice to eventually have Markdown support for both student comments and reviews.

    It's a bit more than just one CSS directive. Spaces should be replaced with non-breakable spaces ( ), or the whole text should be put inside a block with white-space: nowrap. The review is sent by e-mail to the students as well, and I suppose that most students read it there rather than in the web-interface. Currently we use plaintext emails. I suppose that in order to support reviews in monospace font, the emails should be conveted to HTML (see #61).

  2. Víctor López Juan reporter

    Yeah, replacing spaces with a non-breaking space unicode character seems to do the trick. Even without a fixed-width font, it looks a bit better now.

    Markdown would solve the problem nicely; it's too bad there are so many flavours to choose from :) .

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