Custom submission confirmation dialogue

Issue #92 new
JonasDuregard created an issue

It would be nice if you could add for instance a custom yes/no popup that the students have to answer when they press submit, in addition to the generic "did you really make this" question.

This could serve as a lightweight replacement for auto-rejecting (issue #18), simply asking "Did you run the submission through our test-system?" would probably catch most offending submissions.

Another application is the databases courses where students should submit after demonstating their solution in a lab session. Every year a few people miss this and submit directly, a question asking "Did you demonstrate this solution in a lab session?" would get around that.

Also, it would be nice if you could add submission instructions to the tasks, so when the students accessed the submission page for a task you could inform them of stuff like this.

Comments (1)

  1. Evgeny Kotelnikov

    I am not against the idea, but I think it will not be too successful :-) I can imagine students remembering to run the test the first time they see the warning, and then just automatically select "Yes" without doing anything.

    Another application is the databases courses where students should submit after demonstating their solution in a lab session.

    I was thinking about partially addressing it with #76.

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