Metadata issue

Issue #100 resolved
Jed created an issue

Using MC 1.7.10, CS2 2-0.11.28 - trying to find out how to enter metadata - for exapmle :

onUse[0] = "if (world.getBlockName(position) == 'Mymod:Numbers' || world.getBlockName(position) == 'minecraft:grass') { world.setBlock(position, 'Mymod:Numbers:2');

If I use 'Mymod:Numbers' it works and detaults to metadata 0, but if I use : 'Mymod:Numbers:2' then it doesn't place down the 'Numbers:2' - where 2 = metadata number block. I've tried the usual suspects [2], (2), and several other permutations. I've been trying to solve this for 5 hours now, just can't get it - sorry to be a nuisance - hope you can help, and sorry if I've posted in the wrong place.

Comments (1)

  1. Jed reporter

    Wow, I surprised myself and finally found the answer : onUse[0] = "if (world.getBlockName(position) == 'Mymod:Numbers' || world.getBlockName(position) == 'minecraft:grass') { world.setBlockMetadata(position, world.getBlockMetadata(position) + 1) ; itemstack.damageItem(1); } ; if (world.getBlockMetadata(position) > 9 ) { world.setBlockMetadata(position, 0); } ";

    I was lucky enough to find a recent mod out there which have me enough of a clue to have another go. I was trying to create a wand which, when you right-click a particular block, it would increase the metadata by +1. It's part of a numbers / alphabet mod I'm creating so that I can number and name my floors. Anyway, working ok now - thanks for providing such a good mod for those of us without java knowledge, its just that such tutorials are in short supply (unless you can point me in the right direction please ?)

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