Particles not spawning with onUpdate

Issue #103 invalid
YuRaNnNzZZ created an issue

Block doesn't emit particles with onUpdate, but onActivated works fine. The code that i trying to spawn particle with is world.spawnParticle('smoke', position.x+0.5, position.y+1.05, position.z+0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); Forge version:, CS2 version: 0.11.29.

Comments (4)

  1. cubex2 repo owner

    onUpdate for blocks is only called server side, which means that spawning particles won't do anything. In most cases you can use onRandomDisplayTick to spawn particles such as smoke.

  2. YuRaNnNzZZ reporter

    Oh, i just figured out that i'm using outdated docs that don't mention onRandomDisplayTick. Well, thanks anyway.

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