Make app pinnable in taskbar

Issue #109 wontfix
wbd_schumi created an issue


Now, i'm always searching where I left the Windows application on my pc. A simple solution for me would be to be able to pin in on my taskbar, or by putting it in the start menu(thank god it's back in windows 8.1!). I know I can put it there manually, but of people also don't ;) Maybe a pop-up at first time you start the app and ask for this function?

Comments (5)

  1. Martijn Vriessen

    I think this is useless. The app is running in the background. And should in the future be a cloud clipboard. So you don't have to paste and pull automatically a small Icon is enough in my opinion. You don't have it pinned in you're task-bar. If you want to launch it when you start up windows. Use you're start up folder?

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