The Copy It and Paste it action buttons don't work

Issue #34 resolved
Marlin Cremers created an issue

The Copy It and Paste it buttons on the widgets stopped working in commit 18eecfcecf7e4aaf2f8112e35c1fb27135cacc00

git bisect start
# bad: [7be58dbfa0e1fab777a717801984d6d25d385950] The app now saves the config in the right location on Linux and Windows
git bisect bad 7be58dbfa0e1fab777a717801984d6d25d385950
# good: [4fca8111c8962fe2ba9bec6a495306beca076e53] Implmented a basic design of the widget
git bisect good 4fca8111c8962fe2ba9bec6a495306beca076e53
# good: [f3e71b920c4c99a9660896685b664c90ac02d1f3] Made some thrown statements more explicit about the thrown exception
git bisect good f3e71b920c4c99a9660896685b664c90ac02d1f3
# bad: [fc5a0f1f5397cb4b3ef9477328062cdbdf9bfdbb] Merge branch 'develop' of ssh:// into develop
git bisect bad fc5a0f1f5397cb4b3ef9477328062cdbdf9bfdbb
# bad: [a5aeda7e97062250f6bb678df567a4368d5c6192] The API now catches empty and bad responses from the server
git bisect bad a5aeda7e97062250f6bb678df567a4368d5c6192
# bad: [d5fff478712017d5554a92dc18f0ca99cab2b93f] Moved the widget names to the Android strings file
git bisect bad d5fff478712017d5554a92dc18f0ca99cab2b93f
# bad: [18eecfcecf7e4aaf2f8112e35c1fb27135cacc00] Added two smaller widgets and a general copy it and paste it widget
git bisect bad 18eecfcecf7e4aaf2f8112e35c1fb27135cacc00

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