Host the NHK Show ID list out on or similar permanent site.

Issue #9 new
Chris Earley repo owner created an issue

Since the shows offered by NHK are continually changing, it would be nice to have a web host for what is currently just a text file sitting in the root of the repo.

That would allow two things:

  1. Easier updating via script (No need to git push a new list to the repo)

  2. Easier persusing by users (Just use a web browser)

Since any site I own may not withstand the test of time, using something like as a webhost would be preferable.

The current method of generating the NHKShowlist file is a python script launched via cronjob that reads and updates a text document. In the future, we should add a step that utilizes the internetarchive python library to upload the document out into the public cloud

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