plz add option for video quality in sources of animedlr

Issue #16 resolved
cylonu87 repo owner created an issue

Sources like kissanime have options for video quality whuch help if bandwidth is not vey good. So plz add option to choose video quality. Or u can add 2 kissanime sources, with 1 having 720p video and other 360p video. Thanks

Comments (4)

  1. kairu

    Just no, wrong! I mailed you regarding quality that we already do get 720 and those who want better quality in a higher screen resolution than 720 (or 1080p) then whe should choose 1080p for even better quality.

    Its not hard in theory to add it, by default we can set from settings to 1080p, 720p and 360p.

    If default value 1080p doesnt exist, it should pick then 720p, if 720p doesnt exist, it should pick 360p.

    If default is 720p and 720p isnt available in that episode, it should pick automatically 360p.

    I believe its better to let it pop-up which quality we want to choose before we play it on our player or downloader. So if we click an episode, it should read available options and let us choose one, this is best one for both downloading and online watching option.

    Also kissanime is highest priority one, once that is done same should be done to MoeTube and as those are really big, well updated clean nice and sleek websites too. Pay attention to them too.

    EDIT: forgot to mention that, AnimeDLR App fetches from KissAnime source maximum resolution 720p when 1080p is available too. Another app (dont want to mention) gives us 360p, 720p and 1080p after clicking each episode so it pops up everytime we click to a episode which one we want to watch it.

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