joystick / remote dpad support

Issue #286 new
Former user created an issue

AnimeDLR: 3.8.3 Device OS version: 6.0 Device Name: Tanix TX8 Android Box

Reproduction Steps:

Open apps. Navigate with included remote.

Expected Result: Can navigate around the UI with included remote d-pad (up down left right)

Actual Result: Can't navigate around the UI with remote. D-pad / dpad / directional pad input (up down left right) not recognized / not handled properly.

This would be the ultimate anime content watching for Android TV Box. I hope you will support it in the future.

Comments (1)

  1. cylonu87 repo owner

    I don't have the physical device but I did some updates using an emulator to make it usable on tv. It was confirmed but some users.

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