Tries to download ad

Issue #321 closed
Former user created an issue

Getting a fail to download error due to the app trying to download the ads from Google that are played with the videos. Maybe add code to detect and avoid or bypass ad would fix. On a side note I request an option to turn off the vibration feature and for the notification bar to direct to the download page and be able to be closed.

Comments (7)

  1. Christopher Norris

    Had it happen on all the kiss anime servers and 9 anime. Had it happen with episodes 2-4 and 6-8 of overlord recently but it happens often.. can sometimes get it to skip by trying multiple times or by switching to source and switching to Oserver I think it was called.. it's on the latest version didn't have it for the drop-down sorry. But it will give an error code saying failed to download and then list the URL for Google's ad server

  2. cylonu87 repo owner
    • I’m currently downloading overlord ep 2 from oserver, no problem.
    • The url in the error is not an ad, it’s the real video. If you are allowed to access the video, the redirector will redirect to the video. In your case, you are forbidden (error 403 at the end of the error). Maybe you accessed to many episode and google blocked you for a period of time.
  3. Christopher Norris

    Ok just thought it was different because the URL error I get when switching from data to WiFi is completely different than google

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