Enhance MangaWatcher import

Issue #125 closed
Thomas Harning created an issue

When I imported my MangaWatcher backup, I saw a large number of items that were 'ignored'... I'm guessing that was because these were using custom parsers, but there isn't much information given.

A useful option would be to take the titles of things that aren't understood (ex: where parser_id isn't understood or the catalog url) and present a list of titles that can each individually be searched for either using 'global search' or with a specific provider.

Another small item I noticed was that the reading progress is not imported. I can understand the complexity because "chapters" aren't identified so much by a number, but instead a title / directory.

Comments (5)

  1. Thomas Harning reporter

    Aside: Taking a look at the file format, I realize that I could probably reverse my reading progress quite nicely by putting the backup up on my computer screen, trim out the junk with some basic scripts (image / image_filename aren't going to help me rebuild my manga dictionary).

    Taking a look at the export format used by MangaDLR - it looks like automating this via script could be a little painful (the path_chapter_hash number looks tricky to setup right).

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