Suggestion for new feature

Issue #13 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi dev , mangawatcher manga downloader android allows user to create parsers for different sites and hence allows user to add new sites to app by themselves. Could u pleases add the same parser system for online search so that users can download from sites added by them ! It is due to reason that there are simply 100s of manga and hentai sites which developor cant possibly add in the app. So it will allow users to download from whichever site they want without bothering dev! Also these custom parsers can be uploaded by users to help each other out.

Comments (7)

  1. tang san

    it is a good idea. in the mangawatcher app parsers are simple .txt files saved in the app's folder in internal memory. user just had to edit the existing sample parser to create their own custom parsor ! but that app updates once in six months so i migrated to mangadlr :)

  2. cylonu87 repo owner

    I will try to create one with It'll will take weeks or months of dev before I release a version with it. I think it's possible to have latest/new/popular/online search but no prefetched series. Bookmarks will have to be adapted + check for updates.

  3. tang san

    even online search will suffice prefetching series will take lots of time for every source ( maybe hours for single source).

  4. cylonu87 repo owner

    The feature is almost done. The first version of the plugins system will be released with the new version this week. It's able to search series (bookmark and thumbnails are working as well) with the information in a json file.

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