Updated chapter tab for bookmarks

Issue #141 closed
Thu Tran created an issue

I was wonder if you can add a updated chapters tab for the manga in bookmarks. This way you can see a list of chapter that has been update and you can access and read it from there.

Comments (10)

  1. Thu Tran reporter

    also can you add a log file for every time it check for update? like .html file that links to the manga app

  2. Thu Tran reporter

    because when you have lots of manga it a pain to scroll down to see which manga got updated :/

  3. Thu Tran reporter

    also sorting by updates doesnt help when some manga source doesnt have a date when it was release. Like mangapark

  4. Thu Tran reporter

    Also can you make it so that when you read it offline it would update the online one that you have finish reading the chapter or what page your on?

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