Mangapark Bug

Issue #142 closed
Thu Tran created an issue

There a issue with mangapark where it reset your read history when you check for new chapter It also doesnt show the time stamp when it was release

Comments (8)

  1. cylonu87 repo owner

    I don't know what you call the "read history". Is it the "Recently read" or the progression ? The service checking for new chapters doesn't reset anything.

    The chapter's date will be added in a future release.

  2. cylonu87 repo owner

    The app shows the chapters in the version opened by default (the last one). If a new version is added, you will not see the progressions linked to the previous version. The only way to fix that would be to show all versions, some chapters would be duplicated. I checked panlong c88p1 version 1 and 3. The images url and size are not the same, so it's really another version of the chapter and not 2 versions linked to the same image.

  3. Thu Tran reporter

    ic can you find a sort like thing for mangapark? to show it up like how they got it setup like click on the version in the app you like to see

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