Source problems

Issue #219 closed
Spar Hawk created an issue


go manga is not working atm.. and as Im using your app a lot, I have kinda big problem with this :( when some manga source is down and then you change it somehow and repair it, that means that all of my bookmarked mangas are gone and of course with reading status = huge problem... I have about 500+ mangas atm and if one source is down I lost all reading status, its really huge problem :(

I know that you prolly working on something else, but is there hope that you can change catalogue or rather bookmarked manga that way, that we will not lost reading progress when something is wrong with source?

I mean something that manga is bookmarked primary by name and then by source, so if one source is dead, you can change the source, or wait for you to repair that source, but without loosing all bookmarks :(

Comments (3)

  1. cylonu87 repo owner
    • gomanga has been fixed (v5.0.1)
    • the app save the status based on the url of the chapter. If the source change its domain or the protocol, you'll loose it (the chapters have another url).
    • changing the source is not possible because:
      1. the name of the series can be different on the other source.
      2. the app save the hash of the url and that url cannot be recovered from the hash (if someone access the database, it's not possible to know what you have read/downloaded).
  2. Spar Hawk reporter

    so change it that app save url and we can change it.. like long press on bookmarked manga and something like edit url.. and thats it, I think its easy like that... I cant manage a lot of mangas and then lost all my progress cause source url etc was changed... I think Im not the only one... whats the point of read/unread status, if you can lost it every time that source url etc. changes... its rly bad :(

    I mean your app is superb, its the best manga reader on android atm, but when its so easy to lost our reading progress, its kinda sad :(

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