Batoto bugs

Issue #31 closed
cylonu87 repo owner created an issue

Hi Cylonu87,

Thanks for the new version,

I want tell you a bug, actually it already happen in v3.0.0 RC3

  1. If you download manga chapter from Batoto, and choose English, the File name will have the Scan Group, But When the download interrupted , and there is .part file. It’s will not resume with the Scan Grup Name in the file name, But re download or Continue with [English].zip in the Filename.

  2. If you download a lot of chapter from Batoto, when the first file got interrupted , the downloaded filename will have [English].zip And the rest of chapter will have [English].zip file name.

  3. If you choose filename with “c and v” in the Settings , then when you make a couple of chapter to be Zipped as one File, The file name in the Zip file will have “C and V”, Not “c and v”

Comments (5)

  1. cylonu87 reporter

    Point 3, the chapter format is used => if 4 digits, the name is "name c0001" instead of "name C1"

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