Khalsa's suggestions

Issue #60 closed
Former user created an issue

Hello cylonu87 , my humble greetings! I waould like to suggest

  1. Please add an option to open zip chapters files from file manager in mangadlr viewers.

  2. Please managcow latest has stopped working please fix that

  3. Please fix pururin source

  4. please add tap to scroll function in simple viewer both offline and online.

  5. Please lollipop has been put for a long time so please implement lollipop file management function in mangadlr so as to download manga chapters in any folder in microsdcard.

Please reply asap as to what suggestions you are willing to implement and when thanks man.

Comments (10)

  1. cylonu87 repo owner
    1. Do you want to open the reader when you press a zip file in a file browser ?

    2. Will fix asap.

    3. There is a cloudfare DDoS protection preventing the connection. If the protection is permanent, I may remove the source.

    4. Tap and double tap are already used in the simple viewer so I'll have to think of something else.

    5. Already investigate but it's very complex and gave up for the moment. I'll wait the new microSD feature on android 6.

  2. Khalsa Torrent
    1. Yes i want something so that i can read chapters even directly using es file explorer etc.
    2. Perfect viewer app on playstore has regions ln screen where tapping qill lead to dofferent resultsScreenshot_2015-08-30-07-39-33.png
  3. cylonu87 repo owner
    1. I'll implement something like the "Pager" reader in vertical mode:
    • tap the top of the screen to go to the previous page

    • the bottom to go to the next page

  4. cylonu87 repo owner
    1. Added in version 3.4.0-2, tested with ES file explorer only.

    2. Fixed in version 3.4.0-2

    3. Added in version 3.4.0-2, tap the top of the screen to go to the previous page, the bottom for the next page. Sometimes it may not work like you want, it's because the viewer can show more than 1 page (or part of it) on the screen.

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