help me out

Issue #63 closed
Former user created an issue

i tried making extensions then after trying for 2 hours i admit being lost , i studied how to make extensions but couldn't actually do so please if you can help me out to make following extensions 1. ( i got stuck in css path leave rest of it) 2. ( tried cause the source you added ain't got online search , but i think it is impossible to make a plugin , hopefully you may succed) 3. ( again stuck) 4. ( feeling dejavu stuck again) 5. 6. ( this one is an awesome source "3d" but alas....) 7 . (this was the last one ) now i feel reaalyy sick. so please help me out . pllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Comments (3)

  1. cylonu87 repo owner

    The plugin system will not work because it was for sources where chapters are grouped by series:

    1. you search a series
    2. you select the series
    3. your select one of the chapters
    4. download the images in the chapters

    The problem with hentai sources is that you don't search a series but a chapter, you skip point 2.

    I'll have to update the system for some hentai sources so the search result is like a series with one chapter.

    I'll try that seems to have a list of chapters per series.

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