help me bugs are biting

Issue #76 new
Khalsa Torrent created an issue

Hi dev , unfortunately here are bugs again. I was trying to add cover images to webtoons plugin but it seems i cant do so . I tried using different ways used in all the plugins you made byt none worked so help me out. Also , i would like to ask why did you add check updates false in hello comics plugin. Also it gets slugish if too much cache gets selected and ram manager shows that the app us using 256 MB ram which is quite a lot so please add something to control that.

Comments (5)

  1. Khalsa Torrent reporter

    I also tried 1.

    "cover": { "url": "$s/", "image_css_path": "div.detail_header.type_black span.thmb img" }, 2.

    "cover": { "url": "$s/", "image_css_path": "div.detail_header.type_black > span.thmb > img" },

  2. Khalsa Torrent reporter


    "cover": { "url": "$s/", "image_css_path": "div.detail_header.type_black > span.thmb > img[src]" }, 4.

    "cover": { "url": "$s/", "image_css_path": "div.detail_header.type_black span.thmb img[src]" }, But no cover images so please help

  3. cylonu87 repo owner
    1. First download and install (new build to bypass a protection on their website)

    2. add this in webtoons.json:

        "cover": {
            "url": "$s",
            "image_css_path": "ul#_listUl > li:nth-child(1) span.thmb img"

    This will use the image of the last chapter as series cover.

    1. For hellocomic, check for update works only if the latest chapter is the first of the list.

    2. If your RAM problem is on hellocomic, it's because the image are hi-res. The first page of walking dead c1 is 1920x2956 pixels, it's a jpeg file or more than 1.5 Mb. Once decompressed, it's more than 21 Mb of memory used. If you use 256Mb of RAM, it's probably because you use the simple reader. The simple reader is just a webbrowser showing all images (they are all in memory). If you choose the pager viewer, the image can be down scaled to use less memory (settings > viewer > quality: normal) and it will keep maximum 3 images in memory. While reading the first chapter of W D, the RAM manager shows a little more than 40Mb used.

  4. Khalsa Torrent reporter

    Well if u have used simple viewer once you will understand how osm iy is compared to pager and orher viewer. Simple is just best for a lazy guy like me. If u can please set a limit of 150 mb cache to save ram and memory.

  5. cylonu87 repo owner

    As I said, the simple viewer is like a web browser in the app. I can control the content to be displayed, not the memory/cache management of the webview.

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