Choppy performance when zoomed in.

Issue #77 closed
Roman Martinez created an issue

This is only when panning while zoomed in using the pager viewer option. (Not hardware accelerated?)

Pager is already extremely smooth when scrolling left and right. Just want it to be smooth during all interactions.

Comments (5)

  1. cylonu87 repo owner

    The hardware acceleration is used if the value of Quality is Normal or Low in the settings. If you choose Highest, hardware acceleration is disabled because image with a height or width >= 2000px are not displayed with hardware acceleration enabled (don't know why). If you choose normal or low, the image is downscaled so hadware acceleration works if the original image > 2000px. If you choose highest, the original image is displayed.

  2. Roman Martinez reporter

    Thanks for the detailed explanation! Going to stay on normal for now on.

    Due to the quality of most scans, there really isn't a point to stay on the highest setting. Especially on a QHD screen. Thanks!

  3. cylonu87 repo owner

    Highest was added so webtoons could be read with the pager viewer. With normal quality, the text was unreadable. Now you can use simple for webtoons and use normal quality with pager for manga.

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