Possible QOL changes for higher resolution screens.

Issue #84 new
Roman Martinez created an issue

Many sources provide a high quality cover for the manga (like Batoto). I would like to see them in the app! Although currently, MangaDLR downsamples the art to an extremely low quality image that looks pretty bad. An option to show Higher quality covers (maybe favorites only?) would provide a higher quality user experience for those of us with QHD screens. I would not mind a longer waiting time for HQ images to load.

And lastly, maybe we can update the loading manga placeholder image? I just whipped up an AMOLED friendly image. (Does Image size matter?) Full 1440x2560 image: Link

I tried replacing the image using a file manager app, but it still showed the original image. This is what I would like to change mine to.



Comments (1)

  1. cylonu87 repo owner

    For the moment, the cover is downscaled to 256x256 pixels. There is 1 way to see the original image: open the series, go to the tab "INFO" (if available) and press the cropped image at the top. A popup will show the original cover.

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